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Mount Shaul

Walk along the Gilboa paths and glide Harod valley

Hiking Start: Park along the road leading to Yehosha Hankin Forest, -15m ASL

Hiking: 7.3km, 281Hm, 2-3h

Takeoff Point: Mount Shaul, 296m ASL

On days without lift glide NW toward Gidona village

Takeoff Type: Gravel

Takeoff Direction: NE, E

Landing Options: Agricultural fields east to Gidona village (avoid landing on crops)

Advantages: Easy flat hike. Mostly shaded and therefore great for hot days. One can combine the day with swimming in Harod pond

Disadvantages: On days without lift there is not enough glide back to the car: one need to walk on the path bypassing from the north Harod Park to Navot junction toward the car (0.5h walk). The path south to Harod Park is blocked. No access with public transportation

Disclaimer: The route situated in an area defined as a national park, with all related implication

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